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quarta-feira, 2 de junho de 2010

First Collective Show in USA

Sabado eu estarei exibindo 2 colagens em minha primeira exposicao em solo americano.
A exposicao Booked acontecera na Carmichael Gallery e contara com a participacao de varios outros artistas de varias partes do mundo e tera a disposicao varias publicacoes em papel tambem vindos de varias partes do mundo.

Carmichael Gallery
oppening june, 5th of 2010

The gallery is open Tuesday through Saturday 1:00PM - 7:00PM and by appointment.
Contact us by email or call 323.939.0600 for more information.
Carmichael Gallery of Contemporary Art - 5795 Washington Blvd Culver City CA 90232

Next saturday, june, 5th of 2010, I'll be showing 2 collages at my first collective show in USA.
The 'Booked' show will be at the Carmichael Gallery and will have many others artists around the world too.  Also will have a big collection of published books and magazines around the world to sell.
Go there and check this out !

Carmichael Gallery
oppening june, 5th of 2010

The gallery is open Tuesday through Saturday 1:00PM - 7:00PM and by appointment.
Contact us by email or call 323.939.0600 for more information.
Carmichael Gallery of Contemporary Art - 5795 Washington Blvd Culver City CA 90232

Um comentário:

lila disse...

irado tinho!!! parabens!!!! mo orgulho ó!!!
bjao!! (vai palmeeeeeeeeeeeeiraaaaass!!!)